Reaching Bucks & Montgomery County with the Gospel​

Convinced of Christ’s desire for unity among His followers, and motivated by His command to go and make disciples, BMCE exists to bring churches together to reach the Bucks-Mont region with the gospel message.

Upcoming Events

Fall Business and Professional Breakfast

September 12 at The Franconia Heritage Restaurant • $20/person

Featuring guest speaker Erik Kratz (former MLB player)

Monthly on Thursdays at 8:30 AM

BMCE Monthly Meetings

We will be discussing Lead by Paul David Trip

September 12 at Christ Reformed Church of Telford

Hosted by Scott Nice

October 10 at Crosspoint Baptist Church of Souderton

Hosted by Sam Wells

November 14 at Palisades Bible Church

Hosted by Tim VanderStel • Intro & Chapters 1-2

December 19 at Leidy's Church

Hosted by Sam Wells • Christmas Breakfast

January 9 at Ridgeline Community Church

Hosted Gibson Largent • Chapters 3-4

February 13 (TBD)

Host by Father Noah • Chapter 5-6

March 13 at Calvary Bible Church of Lansdale

Hosted by Pete Radford • Chapter 7-8

April 10 at Valley View Bible Church

Hosted by Ryan Weberg • Chapter 9-10

May 8 at Old Goshenhoppen Church

Hosted by Kevin Park & Bruce Clydesdale • Chapters 11-12

Contact for more information.

Our Purpose


To promote the unity of the Body of Christ in the Bucks-Mont area.


To provide coordination among participating local churches in areas of common outreach and concern.


To call all Christians to their vocations of witness and discipleship.


To remain financially accountable to the local community, including participating businesses, churches, and individuals.

What we do

Pastoral Gatherings

Monthly Pastoral Gatherings to encourage fellowship, sharing of concerns, focused study, and praying for one another.

Fellowship Breakfasts

Semi-annual Fellowship Breakfasts featuring local believers who share the story of the Lord’s work in their lives personally and professionally.​

Special Events

Special events such as evangelism workshops, ministry resources, etc. from time-to-time as opportunity and resources allow.​

Church Connections

Provide communication linkage between congregations, pastors, and other ministries.​

Stay In Touch

Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and events.